Safety Tips for Overseas Trips

The most common crimes that travelers experience overseas are pick pocketing, theft, taking drugs, and travelers falling victim to syndicates that target people to smuggle drugs. Make sure you fly only with your own luggage. Don't get conned into helping someone transport one of his or her bags, any gifts or personal items, including toiletries, as they could contain drugs or contraband.

Violent crimes also occur overseas. Never go off alone with a stranger. Never take drugs and don't drink excessively or beyond your usual limit, as you never know what trouble you could land yourself in, especially in Asian and Middle Eastern countries, where drinking and taking drugs are seriously frowned upon.

It's very important to abide by local laws. Research the country's laws before you leave - you're not exempt from local legislation in foreign countries and won't receive special treatment when caught.

If you're ignorant you could be arrested, as was British tourist Michelle Palmer, 30, a publishing manager who was sentenced to three months in jail in Dubai for allegedly having drunken sex on a beach in July 2008. (There is a strict ban on sex before marriage in Dubai.)

More Tips

Always carry certified copies of your ID, passport and visa. Better still, ask your traveling companion to carry your copies or keep copies in an online e-mail account such as Gmail.

When you arrive at your destination, get a local SIM card if you don't have roaming capabilities and let your family know where you are. If you change plans, also let them know immediately.

Before you leave, research the country's culture. For example, know what clothing is appropriate to wear.

Find out about your destination's safety, health, immigration, customs and import regulations.

Carry contact details of your next of kin.